24 July 2007

Venice - wow!

What a truly amazing spot. I was totally prepared to be disappointed having seen and heard so much about Venice, but what an absolutely magic place - even in the middle of August! Every corner you turned there was another stunning photograph, and to just spend an hour or so watching the traffic on the Grand Canal and see everything that we take for granted on the roads, all being dealt with on the water - DHL has a big presence, as did boats loaded with clean laundry for the many hotels!

A Brief European Jaunt No 2

Then back to the chaos of Athens - a wonderful place - vibrant and full of life until all hours of the morning......
Next, off through the Peloppenese to the campsite again, before heading off on the Ferry from northern Greece to Anacona - towards the north of Italy to explore the wonders of Venice.

04 July 2007


It was a huge shock to the system to arrive in Ireland from Athens to temps ressembling mid winter in Sydney, but County Clare was beautiful - a wild barren Atlantic coastline with brilliant green fields and giant clouds scuttling across the skies. The weather seemed to manage each season most days, but with a predominance of winter, although it was actually mid summer.

It was great to see my Irish friends and be welcomed into their homes and we had lots of coffees and fun exploring the area. The Cliffs of Moher were just down the road - great huge cliffs with waves crashing at the bottom, and the surrounding burren with its many little silvery grey stone walls was beautiful. Paintings will some day be conjured up to capture the wild beauty of this coastline.

I also spent a week in Lismore, down towards Cork. This area felt rather English with lots of big trees and a castle in the middle of the town. And next......... back onto the plane to Athens and Peter!